
A better way to get insights with advanced reports

Experience data analysis like never before with Flowtrail AI's advanced reporting capabilities. With customizable visualizations, dynamic charting options, and flexible table configurations, you can gain valuable insight in no time. Take your business to the next level with informed decision-making.

The Power of Advanced Report Customization

Flowtrail AI's advanced report customization features will allow you to dive deeper into your data. Create compelling reports with precision and clarity, using a variety of chart types, table configurations, and templates.

A variety of charting options for your data

Flowtrail AI offers a variety of charting options, including bar graphs, pie charts, and everything else in between. By using it, you will be able to spot patterns, trends, and correlations with ease.

Custom Templates and Real-time Editing

Flowtrail AI's real-time editing feature lets you see your changes instantly. Make sure your analysis is clear and efficient at every step.

  • Advanced chart customization

    Flowtrail AI offers advanced chart customization options, including color schemes, chart types, and more. Make your reports stand out with Flowtrail AI.

  • Table reports with custom columns

    Flowtrail AI's table reports feature allows you to create custom columns and rows for your data. Get the insights you need with Flowtrail AI.

  • Intuitive interface

    Flowtrail AI's intuitive interface allows you to craft custom reports with ease.


Folders for Streamlined Data Organization.

With Flowtrail AI's intuitive folder-based system, you can manage your reports quickly and efficiently. Put your reports in folders and subfolders for easy access and workflow. Get rid of clutter and get streamlined data organization.

Share & Secure

Share and Secure: Public URLs, Password Protection, and Export Options

Use Flowtrail AI's versatile sharing options to share your insights easily. Create public URLs that're easy to share. Want to collaborate offline? Export reports in different formats, ensuring seamless communication and accessibility for everyone.

Make your data analytics journey simple

Start using Flowtrail AI now and unlock the potential of your data swiftly and efficiently. Seamlessly progress from data connection to actionable insights, turbocharging your analytics journey.


With Flowtrail AI, you can seamlessly create, analyze, and scale your reports and graphs, empowering your data-driven decisions.

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